24 June, 2011

Rant: No, You're Not...

Recently, I've had this horrible fever... I think I've got a rant coming on.

Subject: Facebook Profile Pictures*
*Yes, this is totally relevant to life. 

All right.

I'm not sure if I'm the only one this happens to, but occasionally, I'll get random friend requests from people from other countries.

Never met or heard of any of these people in my life.

However, I don't mind this!

In fact, I think it's kinda cool that someone has gone out of their way to find me amid all the other 743 million other Kate's out there.

What I DO mind is when the people that find me are:

1.) 30 years older than I am.

2.) Send me creepy messages.

and, the most irritating, 3.) Don't have a real profile picture.

100% of the people who have found me on Facebook, who aren't directly linked to me through a friend or mutual educational facility the government calls "school," usually satisfy at least ONE of these three things.

Usually, the ones who fall under 1.) and 2.) slide quietly under the table.

I delete their message, pretending I never saw it, much like the way I react to seeing people making out in public or animals copulating with wild abandon.

It's the people who don't have real profile pictures that get me.

I can understand hiding your age on your profile or your important information.

You don't want people to know you're a 50 year old creeper with no wife or job. I get that.

But when you don't put up a photo of yourself?

That's just too much.

Why do you think they call it Facebook, you ignorant buffoon?

Who really cares if you're balding, overweight, and have a chinbeard?

That will just make the rejection process quicker, so you can go creep on other people!


Okay, okay.

If you choose not to put anything up as your photo and you keep it the blue and white person silhouette, that's all right.

There's hope there that you might one day pluck up the courage to show your hideous face.


There is one thing that will never be acceptable to me!

Cartoon/Animal. Profile. Pictures.



I do understand that you don't want your identity known.

If you didn't want your identity known, then don't get a Facebook.

Troll: But Kaaaaate, what are we supposed to do when someone needs to get a hold of us.

Well, have you ever heard of:

~ Phones?

~ E-mail?

~ Letters?

~ Skype?

With the technology today, there is no lack of communication.

There are so many different ways that you can tell the person what they need to know.

Besides, how are the people going to know how to get a hold of you, if they don't know who you are?

Troll: But Kaaaate, how are our friends supposed to get our email/number if they have no way of contacting us?

Well, then they're not very good friends, now are they? 

Someone should have your information somewhere. 

There was communication before Facebook. 

I'm getting sidetracked! 

The point is: Animals/Characters as your profile picture is unacceptable. 

It's tacky. 

I mean, it not only makes you look shady, but it also gives an insight into your psyche, which sometimes is not the most savory information to be forcibly given. 

Listen up, N00b.

You're not a Disney Princess, you're not an assassin from a video game, you're not an Anime character, and you most certainly aren't a tiger's head photoshopped to a squirrel's body. 


You may disagree.

But, you know what? 

I don't care.

I'm done with this rant. 

Peace off.

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