18 February, 2011

How Did THAT Happen?

If you're here for funny, well, you might want to wait until my next post. This is a [semi] srs bsns post.


Yesterday (actually it was a month ago), January 18th at about 10:25pm, my best guy friend who I will fondly call Fuzzle asked me out.

Here's a gratuitously flattering picture of us:

Yes, men are interested in me.... sometimes.

And no, I'm not going to get all googly eyed about it.

The thing about this situation is that I've never actually had a real boyfriend before, which shouldn't come as a surprise to any of you.

If you've read The Not So Tragic Love Life of Kate Awkward: Part 1 and 2 (yes, the numbers are links), you'll know there is a very good reason why none of my relationships have lasted.

Dear people who manage distance relationships, 
Hats off to you. 

<segue> </segue>

So, obviously, I'm shocked this happened.

A small portion of me thinks that Hell will rain down from the Heaven's tomorrow in the form of millions of Chuck Norrises riding mutant, flame-winged butterflies that have scorpions flying out their orifices.

The other portions are calling that one a neurotic mess.

I talked to my roommate's boyfriend, who I will refer to as Brother, about the situation (even though I was afraid to tell him in the first place, since if I was going to fail I didn't want that many people to witness it) to see what advice he could give me.

Brother told me the best thing to do is talk and listen. Also, meet in the middle, don't give or take too much.

This is all really good advice, in my opinion, but I don't know any better. Though, judging on the fact that he and my roommate have been dating for two three years now makes me believe that they've got something right.

I just don't understand him. Fuzzle, I mean.

I'm a neurotic, high-strung, quite-possibly-bipolar baggage sack who desires to grow temporary facial hair and has a workaholic attitude.

How he finds this even slightly attractive will forever elude me.

He's just too good. It makes me suspicious of trickery- that God is pulling a prank on me and all of a sudden Fuzzle will vanish and I'll hear, "LOL, Punk'd!!" from the Heavens.

Though, that's just the doubt speaking.

BUT, Fuzzle thinks we'll be all right and he hasn't been wrong yet.

I hope for the best. I'm keeping my hands together in prayer and hoping that life won't make me go crazy or make a bus driver go crazy and run me over in a fit of vaporous madness.

I mean, look how happy we are.

What's this? No irony? Oh, how I've fallen.

Get over it. I don't have to please you.

Wish me luck!

Peace off.


  1. I had been WAITING for another post. This is adorable. SOOOOO happy for you!

    PS: please don't think I'm creepy. You popped up on my newsfeed. Plus, I'm a blogoholic.


  3. So, I was definitely creeping :) but...
    a) the second picture of you two is ABSOLUTELY the CUTEST thing EVER :)
    b) are you rockin the ministry polo? cause if so, props! :)
    Hope you keep being ridiculously happy! You deserve it, chica! :)
